Garden History & Design Tip

One of my new favorite periodicals is the publication Garden Design. It comes out quarterly and, though a bit pricey, is lovely as it has no advertising and offers both fascinating articles and fabulous photographs! 

In addition to featuring great gardens from across America, there is always pertinent information on ecology, plant selection, landscape trends, seasonal inspiration – along with lectures, conferences, flower shows and garden tours that might interest you taking place around the country. 

However, should you not wish to subscribe to the magazine, Garden Design also features a weekly e-newsletter that comes to your in-box every Thursday and it is FREE! 

Here’s how to access this weekly treasure: 

* Go to
The home page is chock full of everything related to the garden. 

* At the bottom of the home page, you will see a block that invites you to sign up for the free weekly e-newsletter. Give it a try and enjoy seeing what pops into your in-box next Thursday!