This new Colorado license plate features a Hunt’s Bumblebee and the Blanket Flower, both native to Colorado. The plate itself brings attention to the essential existence of pollinators in our state and…
Newsletter articles
Newsletter articles are only displayed in the monthly eNews.
Getting to Know The Clara Carter Higgins Summer Environmental Studies Scholarship The Clara Carter Higgins Summer Environmental Studies Scholarship encourages studies and careers in the environmental field, providing opportunities for experience beyond…
In March, Garden Club of Denver members attended “Flowers I thought I didn’t like, but now love!” the combined Photography and Floral Design Workshop. Participants created an architectural, modern arrangement (focusing on negative…
The Garden Club of Denver is proud to share the GCD Amazing Amaryllis Sale 2023, which is a wonderful opportunity to shop special extra-large European grown bulbs. Each bulb produces multiple stems with…
It was a wonderful GCD morning of participation and camaraderie making the May Day Outreach Bouquets for Craig Hospital! We made a total of 63 arrangements which will be distributed to families living…
Six intrepid trash collectors, aka GCD members volunteering for the Annual Aurora Clean-up of the High Line Canal Conservancy, scoured the banks for trash all in the name of Earth Day 2023.…